Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/566

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PAR PARDESSUS, J. M. Cours de Droit Commercial. 3d ed. 5 torn. 8'0. Paris. 1825. This is a finished and comprehensive Treatise, not unknown or under- valued by American jurists. The first volume contains an ample Cata- logue of books upon Commercial jurisprudence. Ce travail n'avait point ete entrepris en France, ni meme en AUemagne au I'exactitude et la patience des bibliophiles se sont exerces avec tant de succes, non seule- ment sur I'ensemble du droit, mais encore sur grand nombre de raatieres speciales. Dupin's Camus, 431 ; 8 L. M. 441 ; 3 Kent, 349. PARIS, J. A. AND J. S. M. FONBLANQUE. Medical Jurispru- dence. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1823. The work, though sometimes unnecessarily prolix, is highly esteemed for its general accuracy, and the fulness with which all branches of the subject are unfolded and explained. 1 Jurist, 3, 85 ; 1 L. C. 280. PARISH OFFICER. Tiie Complete Parish Officer; containing the Authority and Proceedings of High Constables, of Church- wardens, of Overseers of the Poor, of Surveyors of the High- ways, &c. ; to which is added, the Office of Constables. By Sir Francis Bacon. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1726. PARK, J. J. An Introductory Lecture, delivered at King's College. 8vo. London. 1831. . What are Courts of Equity ? A Lecture delivered at Kind's Colleofe. 8vo. London. 1832. o Professor Park shows himself, in this lecture, to be a man of liberal accomplishments and elevated views. He refers with evident familiarity to the treatises of continental jurisprudence as well as to the doctrines of the Common Law. 10 A. J. 227. . A Contre-Projet to the Hnmphreysian Code, and to the Projects of Redaction of Messrs. Hammond, Uniacke, and Twiss. 8vo. London. 1828. The object of this volume is to show that a complex system of laws belongs to a highly civilized state of society, and tiiat the evil would not be removed by recasting or adapting them to any of the plans of redaction. The author was a self-educated man, and his writings are remarkable for their bold and independent thoughts. He was, in the best sense of the word, a free thinker. 6 & 7 L. O. ; 1 L. M. G14. 554