Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/579

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PHI PHAYER, THOMAS. A Boke of Presitlentcs, exactly written in the Maner of a Register. r2ino. London. 1641. "This is one of the earliest treatises upon Conveyancing, and was very popular in its day, having passed through nine editions. It was published anonymously, but Anthony "Wood ascribes the authorship of it to Phayer, who, after writing the above work, and another upon the nature of Writs, abandoned the Legal Profession and studied Medicine." 1 Wood's Athene Oxon. 317; 2 Martin's Conveyancing, 2i. PHILIPPS, FABIAN. Regale Necessar'umi ; or, the Leg:ility, Reason, and Necessity of the Rights and Privileges justly claimed by the King's Servants, and which ought to be allowed unto ihem. 4to. London. 1671. . The Reforming Registry ; or, a Representation of the very many Mischiefs and Inconveniences which will happen by the way of Registries, proposed to be erected in every County of England and Wales, &c. 4to. London. 1671. . Tcnenda non Tollenda ; or, the Necessity of preserving Tenures in Capite and by Knight Service. 4to. Lon- don. 1660. . A Vindication of the Government of the Kingdom of England, under our Kings, from the Opinion of those that, without any Warrant, would have it to be originally derived from the People, or the King to be co-ordinate with his House of Peers and Commons, in Parliament, fol. London. 1687. PHILIPPS, J. T. The Fundamental Laws and Constitutions of Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Poland, England, and Switzerland. 8vo. London. 1752. PHILIPPS, WILLIAM. The Principles of Law reduced to Prac- tice. 12mo. London. 1661. PHILIPS, IL The Grandeur of the Law. 2d ed. 12mo. Lon- don. 1685. PHILLIMORE, ROBERT. The Study of the Civil and Canon Law, considered in its Relation to the State, the Church, and the Universities ; and its Connection with the College of Advocates. Bvo. London. 1843. . Thoughts on the Law of Divorce, in England. Bvo. London. 1844. 567