Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/584

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PIG PICKERING, DANBY. An Index to the Statutes at large, from Magna Charta, to 1761. 8vo. Cambridge. 1769. PICKERING, JOHN. A Lecture on the alleged Uncertainty of the Law. 8vo. Boston. 1834. PICKERING, OCTAVIUS. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, from 1822 to 1841. 24 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1824-42. They are among the best American Reports, both as regards the variety and learning of the decisions, and the manner in which they are reported. 2 A. J. 59 ; (4) 205 ; (18) 529 ; (20) 224 ; 1 L. R. 177. PICKERING, O. AND W. H. GARDINER. A Report of the Trial by Impeachment, of James Prescolt, Judge of the Probate of Wills, for the County of Middlesex, for Misconduct and Mal- administration in Office, before the Senate of Massachusetts, in the year 1821 ; with an Appendix, containing an Account of former Impeachments in the same Stale. 8vo. Boston. 1821. PIGOTT, N. A Treatise of Common Recoveries, and their Nature and Use ; to which are added, the Case of Page and Hay ward, more fully Reported than in any other Book extant; and, also, a Case between the late Earl of Derby, and the coheirs of his elder brother; with Precedents for amending Recoveries. 2d ed.. Re- vised and Corrected ; with some additional Cases. By Mr. Ser- jeant Wilson. 4to. London. 1770. Mr. Pilot's Treatise lon^ continued to be the best text book on that very difTicuit and complicated subject. He was a profound lawyer, and this work shows him to have possessed an extensive knowledge of Real Actions, and the Statute of Uses. 2 Law Rev. 117 ; 2 Mart. Conv. 32 ; 2 Woodes. Lee. 324 ; 2 Bos. & Pul. N. R. 504. — — . New Precedents in Conveyancing ; being a great variety of curious Draughts, chiefly drawn by himself; Printed from Original MSS. fol. London. 1739 or 1742, the same. The author was a draftsman of consummate skill, whose forms are eminently concise. 2 Mart. Conv. 32 ; 2 But. Rem. 274. PIGOTT, G. AND II. ROD WELL. Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Common Pleas, on Appeal from the Decisions of the Revising Barristers. 2 Parts. 8vo. London. 1844. 572