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PRE PRENDERGAST, M. Central Criminal Court Act, with Notes, Forms, and Practical Instructions in Criminal Proceedings. 12mo. London. 1834. PRESTON, RICHARD. Tracts on Cross-Remainders, Fines, and Recoveries by Tenant in Tail, Difference between Merger, Remitter, and Extinguishment, Estates Executed, Vested, and Contingent, Contingencies with a double Aspect, the Succession by a Parent to a Child, and the Language of Powers, 8vo. Lon- don. 1797. • . A Treatise on Conveyancing, with a View to its Application to Practice, with an Appendix of select and appropri- ate Precedents. 3d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1829. . See Law Library. The works of this learned Conveyancer show him to have been pro- foundly and minutely versed in the law of Real Property in all its branches. His defects arc an undue anxiety to be methodical, which led him to make unnatural classifications ; a quaint and singular style, and " unexampled and intolerable tautology." The third volume of his Con- veyancing is mainly directed to the consideration of the law of Merger, which Chancellor Kent says, is the ablest and most interesting discus- sion in all his works. It is copious, clear, logical, and profound ; and I am the more ready to render this tribute of justice to its merits, since there is great reason to complain of the manner in which his other works are compiled. 4 Kent's Com. 103, n. ; I L. M. 56; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 272; 8 Barn. & Crcs. 518; North's Study of Law, 75. ■• Elementary Treatise on Estates, with preliminary Observations on the Quality of Estates. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1828. " Preston's Treatise on Estates may be read with great advantage, as an introductory work. It was composed by the author, at an era of his professional studies, at which few men possess more than a mere general ' notion of the science, but in which that gentleman had evidently made very considerable progress." 1 Kent, 514; 1 Bart. Conv. 29. . An Essay in a Course of Lectures on Abstracts of Title, to facilitate the Study, and Application of the first Princi- ples, and general Rules of the Laws of Property. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1824. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1828. " Preston on Abstracts, which is now in 3 vols, might (we venture to aflirm) be contained in one of the same size; with a little compression of the diction, and omission of repetitions." 1 L. M. 56; 10 Barn. & Cres. 200. 587