Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/609

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RAM observations, well calculated to stimulate the noviciate to a due exertion and continued perseverance in the laborious and arduous study in which he is engaged." 1 Barton's Elera. Conv. 5, n ; Anthon's Blk. 29 ; HofF. Leg. Stu. 741. RAM, JAMES. A Practical Treatise of Assets, Debts, and Incum- brances; including Executor's Accounts. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1838. See Law Library, The whole learning upon the subject of Assets, will be found accu- rately collected and admirably discussed, in this work. 5 L. O. 41 ; 1 Jurist, 693 ; 2 Kent, 418, n. . The Science of Legal Judgment ; a Treatise, de- signed to show the Materials whereof, and the Process by which, the Courts of Westminster Hall construct their Judgments, and adapted to Practical and General Use in the Discussion and Determination of Questions of Law. 8vo. London. 1822. See Law LAbrary. There is not a more useful law book to be found than the above. It is brief yet comprehensive, concise yet clear. Its composition must have cost the author infinite research, and there is not a page which does not convey information necessary to be known by every member of the Profession. 15 A. J. 241 ; 4 Leg. Ex. & L. C, 181 ; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 387. . Observations on the Natural Right of a Father to the Custody of his Children, and to direct their Education ; his Forfeiture of this Right, and the Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery to control it. Bvo. London. 1825. . An Oudine of the Law of Tenure and Tenancy ; comprising Elementary Principles of Real Property. 8vo. Lon- don. 1825. The author endeavours to establish some novel doctrines, which are ingeniously maintained, but he "has pushed the subject into unprofit- able refinements." 4 Kent's Com. 3G3, n ; HofF. Leg. Stu. 141. . A Treatise on the Exposition of "Wills of Landed Property. 8vo. London. 1827. See Law Library. RAMSAY, ALLAN. An Historical Essay on the English Con- stitution; wherein the Right of Parliament to Tax our distant Provinces is Explained and Justified. 8vo. London, 1771. 597