Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/615

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REE REDESDALE'S PLEADINGS. See Mitford. REED, JOHN. The Pennsylvania Blackstone ; being a Modifi- cation of the Commentaries of Sir William Blackstone ; with numerous Alterations and Additions, designed to present an ele- mentary Exposition of the entire Laws of Pennsylvania. 3 vols. 8vo. Carlisle. 1831. See Blackstone, n. REED'S Laws of Pennsylvania. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822-1844. REEVE, TAPPING. The Law of Baron and Feme ; of Parent and Child; of Guardian and Ward; of Master and Servant, and of the Powers of Courts of Chancery ; with an Essay on the Terms Heir, Heirs, and Heirs of the Body. 8vo. New Haven. 1816. " In taking leave of the extensive subject of the Domestic Relations, I cannot refrain from acknowledging the assistance I have received from the work of the late Chief Justice Reeve, on that Title. That excellent lawyer and venerable man, has discussed every branch of the subject in a copious manner; and though there is some want of precision and accu- racy in his references to authority, and sometimes in his deductions, yet he every where displays the vigour, freedom, and acuteness of a sound and liberal mind." 2 Kent's Com. 266. . A Treatise on the Law of Descents, in the several United States of America. 8vo. New York. 1825. "The doctrine of descent, and, consequently, in a great degree, of distribution, in the different States, has been minutely illustrated, and ably discussed, by the late C. J. Reeve, This work does honour to his memory ; but it is not calculated to suit the taste of those general readers who have no mathematical heads, by reason of the numerous algebraical statements of hypothetical Cases with which the work abounds, and by which it is perplexed," 2 Kent's Com. 428. REEVES, JOHN. The History of the Law of Shipping and Navigation, from the time of Edw. III. to the end of the year 1806. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1807. It is written " with admirable clearness, method, and accuracy." 3 Kent, 139, n; Red. Mar. Com, 431. , The History of the English Law, from the time of the Saxons to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1814-29. The first two volumes of IMr. Reeves' History, appeared in 1783-84, 603