Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/622

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RIG RIDGEWAY, WM. Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the High Court of Parliament in Ireland, since the Restoration of the Appellate Jurisdiction. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1795-98. . Reports of Cases argued and determined in the King's Bench and Chancery, during the time in which Lord Hardwicke presided in those Courts, collected from a MS. never before printed. To which are added Notes and References, by William Ridgeway. Bvo. London. 1794. Anonymous Reports are ordinarily received with caution, uixder which disadvantage the present volume appears. The great learning and repu- tation of Lord Hardwicke, both as a common law and equity judge, induced several members of the bar (most of whose names are unknown) to take notes of his decisions. I am old enough," says Lord Kenyon, "to remember that great judge, though but for a short time, before he left the Court of Chancery ; and the knowledge of those, who lived before me, only fortified me in the opinion I formed of him, that his knowledge of the law was most extraordinary ; he had been trained up very early in the pursuit, he had great industry and abilities, and was, in short, a consummate master of the profession." 1 Turn. & R. 101 ; 3 T. R. 371 ; (7) 416. . Reports of State Trials in Ireland, from 1798 to 1803. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1803. . Reports of Proceedings under a Special Commis- sion of Oyer and Terminer, for the Counties of Sligo, Mayo, Leitrim, Longford, and Cavan. 8vo. Dublin. 1807. RIDLEY, SIR THOMAS. A View of the Civile and Ecclesias- tical Law. 4th edition, with Notes, by J. Gregory. 8vo. Ox- ford. 1676. "After this book had wandered a while under great variet}'- of fortunes, and different censures, it had a second edition given it, by the learned Gregory." Nic. Hist. Lib. 191 ; 2 L. M. 517. RIGGE, JOHN. Observations on the Statutes for Registering Deeds ; with a Collection of Cases upon those Statutes, with In- structions, Precedents, &;c. 8vo. London. 1798. RIGGE, WM. Instructions for Registering Deeds, Conveyances, Wills, and other Incumbrances affecting Estates in the County of Middlesex, with Precedents of Memorials of every kind. 8vo. London. 1778. 610