Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/625

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ROB ROBERTS, SAMUEL. A Digest of Select British Statutes, com- prising those which, according to the Report of the Judges of the Supreme Court, made to the Legislature, appear to be in force in Pennsylvania, with some others, with Notes and Illustrations. 8vo. Pittsburgh. 1817. ROBERTSON, DAVID. A Treatise on the Law of Personal Succession in the different parts of the Realm ; and on the Cases regarding Foreign and International Succession which have been decided in the British Courts. Svo. Edinburgh. 1836. See Law Library. " Mr. Robertson has drank deep at the same fountain as Judge Story, whose wonderful book on the Conflict of Laws, has afforded him much aid in his laborious task. If any one, be he professional or otherwise, desires to have a thorough and well digested knowledge of the various rules which regulate personal succession in every corner of the British dominion, we can safely refer him to Mr. Robertson's work, which will at once satisfy his curiosity, delight his fancy, and enlighten his judg- ment." 2 Ed. Law Jour. 528. . Reports of Cases on Appeal from Scotland, deci- ded in the House of Peers, from 1707 to the end of Geo. I. 8vo. London. 1807. . Report of the Trials of Col. Aaron Burr, for Treason and Misdemeanor, to which is added an Appendix, con- taining the Arguments and Evidence in support of a motion made to commit A. Burr, H. Blannerhassett, and J. Smith, to be sent for Trial to the State of Kentucky. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808. ROBERTSON, GEORGE. Biographical Sketch of the Hon. John Boyle. 8vo. Frankfort. 1838. . Introductory Lecture delivered before the Law Class of Transylvania University. 8vo. Lexington. 1836. ROBERTSON, ERASMUS. The Law of Legitimation by sub- sequent Marriage ; illustrative of the Variances between the Laws of Succession to Property in England and Scotland. 8vo. Lon- don. 1829. ROBERTSON, J. E. P. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts of Doctors' Commons, Part I. Svo. London, 1845. 613