Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/637

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SAI RUTHERFORTH, THOMAS. Institutes of Natural Law ; being the Substance of a Course of Lectures on Grotius' de Jure Belli ac Pads. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge. 1754-56. 2d Am. ed. 8vo. Baltimore. 1832. Rutherforth is considered one of the ablest commentators upon Gro- tius. His work is clearly and logically written, and exhibits great acuteness, sound argument, and learning. 2 Crit. Rev. 160; Red. Int. L. 75; Hoir. Leg. Stu. 113; Wheaton's L. of N. 197. RYAN, M. A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence, compiled from the best Medical and Legal Works ; being an Analysis of a Course of Lectures on Forensic Medicine, &;c. 1st Am. ed. ; with Notes. By R. E. Griffith. Bvo. Philadelphia. 1832. RYAN, EDWARD, and WILLIAM MOODY. Reports of Cases argued and determined at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of K. B. and C. P., and on the Oxford and Western Circuits, from the Sittings after M. T., 4 Geo. IV., 1823, to the Sittings after T. T., 7 Geo. IV., 1826, inclusive. 8vo. London. 1827. RYLE Y, W. Pleadings in Parliament ; with the Judgments thereon, in the Reigns of Edw. I. <fc II., Kings of England, &c. fol. London. 1661. " How Pleadings used to be managed in Parliament, in what manner judgment was given, how Petitions were brought in, and in what form Statutes and other Parliamentary Constitutions were anciently drawn, may be seen at large in Ryleys Placita Farliamentaria.^^ Nic. Hist. Lib. 55. SADGROVE, W. H. The Plain Instructor, for Debtors, Credi- tors, and Assignees, under the Act, 1 &2 Vict., c. 110; stating the Authority, Jurisdiction, and Practice of the Court for the Relief of Insolvents, in England. 12mo. London. 1839. SADLER, SIR RALPH. The Rights of the Kingdom ; or. Cus- toms of our Ancestors, touching the Duty, Power, Election, or Succession of our Kings and Parliaments. 4to. London. 1682. This work is recommended by Mr. Locke, (Remains, 8vo., 1720, p. 238,) as containing the ancient Constitution of the Government of Eng- land. An answer was written to it by Sir Roger L'Estrange, entitled, " A Word concerning Libels and Libellers," Clarke. SAINT MARY LE BONE. See ^cts. 40 625