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SAU SANDFORD, E. D. A Treatise on the Law of Heritable Suc- cession, in Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1830.

  • ' This is a work we strongly recommend as the most useful on the sub-

jects of which it treats, of any which the student can peruse, and which will be found convenient and necessary to those whose experience and practice have rendered the subjects discussed familiar to them. From the excellent arrangement, it will be found a most valuable book for occa- sional consultation." 1 Edin. Law Journal, 405. SANFORD, LEWIS H. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Chancery, of the State of New York, before the Hon. Lewis H. Sanford, Assistant Vice-Chancellor of the First Circuit. Svo. New York. 1846. SARGENT, R. Principles of the Laws of England in the various Departments ; and, also, the Practice of the Superior Courts, in the form of Question and Answer ; for the Assistance of Arti- cled Clerks in preparing for Examination, and, incidentally, for the Use of Practitioners. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1842. SAUNDERS, J. S. The Law of Pleading and Evidence in Civil Actions, arranged Alphabetically ; with Practical Forms, and the Pleading and Evidence necessary to support them. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. 4th American ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1844. " There was," says Professor Whiteside, *' several years since, a hook published, called Saunders' Pleading and Evidence ; but its execution is miserable, the author being as dull a man as could be wished." It never reached a second edition in England, while with us there have been four. Its popularity with the Profession in this country, probably arises not so much in consequence of its merits, as because we have not had, until recently, any other Treatise to supply its place." 1 Leg. Rep. 299. SAUNDERS, EDMUND. Les Reports des divers Pleadings el Cases en le Court del Bank le Roy, en le temps del Reign de le Roy Charles IL 2 torn. fol. London. 1686. 3d &d 4lh eds., with Notes and References to the Pleadings and Cases, by J. Wil- liams. 2 vols. 1799, 1809. 5th ed., by J. Patteson and E. V. Williams. 6th ed., by E. V. AVilliams. 3 vols. Svo. London. 1845. New American from the last London ed, 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia. 1846. The second edition of Saunders' Reports, was printed in both French 629