Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/643

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SCA SAVARY, J. Dictioiinaire Uiiiversel de Commerce, continue sur les Memoires de I'Auteur et donne au public apres sa mort par P. L. Savary. 5 vols. fol. Copenhague. 1765. The author was an intelligent merchant, and, according to Voltaire, was the first person in France who wrote upon Commerce. His Dic- tionary was formerly very much esteemed, and translated into English by Postlethwayt. The Copenhagen editions, 1759 and 17G5, are con- sidered the best. Red. Mar. Com. 346; 2 Dupin's Camus, 425; Pref. McCul. Com, Die. SAVIGNY, F., CARL VON. Geschichte des Romischen Rechls im Mittelalter. 5 Bde. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1831-34. Trans- lated into French, by C. Guenoux. 3 vol. Svo. Paris. 1839. Vol. I., translated into English, by E. Cathcart. Svo. London. 1829. . The Vocation of our age for Legislation and Juris- prudence. Translated by A. Hey ward. Svo. London. SAVHiE, JOHN. Les Reports de divers Special Cases, cybien en le Court de Common Bank, come I'Exchequer, en le temps de Royne Elizabeth, fol. Jjondon. 1688. SAWYER, F. W. The Merchant's and Shipmaster's Guide, in relation to their Rights, Duties, and Liabilities, under the existing Commercial Regulations of the United States, as established by Statutes, and according to Judicial Decisions in this and other Countries, on Commercial Law. Svo. Boston. 1840. S.XTON, N. Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey. Svo, Elizabeihtown. 1836. SAYER, JOSEPH. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of K. B., from M. T., the 25lh, to T. T., the 29th and 30th of Geo. n. fol. London. 1775. "Sayer is but an inaccurate reporter." 1 Sug. V. & P., 138, n. . Tiie Law of Damages. Svo. London. 1770. . The Law of Costs. 3d ed., with Additions. 12mo. Dublin. 1792. SCAMMON, J. Y. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, from 1832 to 1843. 4 vols. Svo. 1843-44. 631