Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/646

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SCR SCOTT, EDWARD. The Laws of the State of Tennessee, (in- cluding those of North Carolina in force in this State,) from the year 1715 to 1820, inclusive. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Knoxville. 1821. " In this work, the Statutes are arranged chronologically, and so far as they remained in force, are published at large. The work is admirably executed. Great discrimination and care is shown in the rejection of statutes and parts of statutes, that have been repealed, either expressly, or by implication. Reference is made in the margin to all preceding and succeeding statutes on the same subject ; so that finding a statute on a given subject, it is easy to find, at once, all the laws extant on that sub- ject, in the period comprehended by the revision. It is yet much used, and a continuation to the present time, on the same plan is a desidera- tum. 8 A. J. 303, n. SCOTT, JAMES J. Railway Practice in Parliament; the Law and Practice of Railway and other Private Bills, including the Preliminaries requisite, the Order of Proceedings in both Houses. 12mo. liondon. 1846. SCOTT, R. A Supplement to the Third Edition of Bridgman's Equity Digest, also to the Practical Digest. 8vo. London. 1832. SCRIVEN, J. A Treatise on Copyhold, Customary Freehold, and Ancient Demesne Tenure, with the Jurisdiction of Courts Baron and Courts Leet ; also Appendices, containing Rules for holding Customary Courts, Forms of Assurances, Deputations, Prece- dents of Court Rolls, the Relative Acts of Parliament, &c. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1834. . Supplement to the Third Edition of a Treatise on Copyhold, &c. 8vo. London. 1842. Copyhold Enfranchisement Act, 4 & 5 Vict. c. 35, with Notes, Index, and Forms of Agreement, as settled by the Commissioners. 12mo. London. 1841. SCROGG, SIR WM. The Practice of Courts Leet, and Courts Baron; containing Directions for holding the said Courts, and Making up the Rolls or Records thereof, Drawing, Entering, and Proceeding on all sorts of Presentments, Indictments, Verdicts, Fines, Amerciaments, &c., with many curious Notes and Cases in Law relating to Customs, Laws, Waifs, Wrecks, Eslrays, Heriots, &c. 4th edition, with very large Additions, and the late Acts of Parliament relating thereto. 8vo. London. 1728. 634