Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/665

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SMY SMITH, RICHARD C. A comprehensive View of the Law of Joint Ownerships; comprising and Characterizing every Species of Joint or Undivided Estates, Interests, and Authorities, as ex- isting under the Present State of the Law. r2mo. London. 1840. SMITH'S LAWS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 5 vols. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1810-12. This series was continued by J. Reed, q. v. The notes of these editors are learned and valuable. 4 P. A. L. J. 56. SMUGGLING Prevention Act, 6 Geo. IV., c. 107, as amended by 7 Geo. IV., c. 48 ; with explanatory Notes referring to the various Cases decided on the Subject of Seizures, Convictions, &c. ; with a general Index. 12mo. London. 1826. SMYTH, C. J, A Chronicle of the Law Officers of Ireland, con- taining Lists of the Lord Chancellors, Masters of Rolls, Chief Justices, Attorneys and Solicitor's General, with Serjeants at Law, from the earliest period. 12mo. Dublin. 1839. SMYTHE, H. The Law of Landlord and Tenant in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. 1842. . The Office of Justice of the Peace in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. 1841. . Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of C. P. in Ireland, from H. T., 2d Vict., to T. T., 3d Vict. 8vo. Dublin. 1840. . The New Practice of the Law in Ireland, under the 3 & 4 Vict., c. 105, being the Act for the Abolition of Arrest on Mesne Process, &c. ; with a Practical Comment. 8vo. Dub- lin. 1842. SMYTHE, H. AND B. ROURKE. Report of two Cases upon the Marriage Law of Ireland, argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, in Ireland, in E. T. and T. T., 1842. 8vo. Dub- lin. 1842. SMYTHE. H., J. PERRIN, E. S. TREVOR, C. HAIG, W. P. LEATHAM, S. W. FLANAGAN, C. M. O'LOGHLEN, J. A. LAWSON, R. H. OWEN, C. KELLY, and WM. KEOGH. Reports of Cases tried on the Six Circuits, during the Assizes, from 1841-43. 8vo. Dublin. 1844. 653