Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/686

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STR STORY, JOSEPH. A Charge delivered to the Grand Jury of the Circuit Court of the United States, at its First Session in Portland. 8vo. Portland. 1820. A Discourse pronounced at the Funeral Obsequies of J. H. Ashmun. Bvo. Boston. 1833. A Discourse upon the Life, Character, and Ser- vices of the Hon. John Marshall. 8vo. Boston. 1835. . A Charge to the Grand Jury of Rhode Island, on the Law of Treason. r2mo. Providence. 1845. . The Constitutional Class Book ; being a brief Ex- position of the Constitution of the United States. Designed for the Use of the higher Classes in Common Schools. 12mo. Boston. 1834. " We strongly recommend this small volume of Mr. Justice Story, as it is from the pen of a master." Hoflf. L. S. 565. See Abbot ; Chiliy ; Lawes; United States. STORY, W. W. A Treatise on the Law of Contracts not under Seal. 8vo. Boston. 1844. This work bears internal evidence of a careful and thorough examina- tion of the Cases, and the principles to be deduced from them are stated with precision, and in a concise and vigorous style. Mr. Story evidently strove to embody the Law of Contracts, in as condensed a form as the subject and the scope of his Treatise would admit, and in this particular he has been eminently successful. The labour of condensation in writ- ing a law book, the stating the rules to be derived from whole classes of Cases, with their varying phases, is a very different kind of labour from transferring Decisions from the Reports, and leaving the reader to thread his way to the governing principles as best he can. The author might have expanded, to advantage, some parts of his work a little more, without interfering with a compact exposition of the Law of Contracts. Warren's L. S. 75S, n ; 1 A. L. M. 457 ; 7 L, R. 249. . Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the First Circuit. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1842-45. STOVINS, A. The Law respecting Horses. 12mo. Hull. 1794. STRANGE, SIR T. Notes of Cases in the Court of the Recorder, and in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras ; commencing 674