Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/69

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plished for the Criminal, what Professor Bell has done for the Civil Law of Scotland. Mr. Alison's Treatise is a well arranged, practical work, written in a lucid style. Although professedly elementary, it will fairly rank, in point of research and depth of erudition, with the more ponderous tomes of Burnett, Stair, and Hume. 1 Edinb. Law Jour. 484, (2,) 262; Joy on Confessions, 21.

ALLEGIANCE. The book of Allegiance, or a report of the arguments of counsel and opinions of the Court of Appeals of South Carolina on the oath of Allegiance. 8vo. Columbia. 1834.

ALLEN, JOHN. Inquiry into the rise and growth of the Royal Prerogative of England. 8vo. London. 1830.

ALLEN, R. Town and Country Practice of the Court for relief of insolvent debtors, with full instructions to creditors, and all forms, rules, and orders of the Court, under 1 and 2 Vict. c. 110. 12mo. London. 1839.

ALLEN, ROBERT. The Practice of the Common Law Courts, and Practical Lawyer's Pocket-book ; containing full forms and directions in every stage of proceedings in the conduct of an action at law. 12mo. London. 1841.

A useful compendium, containing much information compressed into a small compass.

ALLEN ON WILLS. Forms of Wills adapted to every situation in life.

This work is a mere compendium of the law of wills, containing but few reliable precedents. The preparation and exposition of wills demand no ordinary share of acuteness and legal learning, neither of which is often discovered in pocket manuals of this sort.

ALLEN, OTIS. The duties and liabilities of Sheriffs, in their various relations to the public and to individuals, as governed by the principles of common law and regulated by the statutes of New York, revised, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. Albany. 1845.

A tolerable compilation in which "the decisions of the New York Courts, applicable to the subject, and the statute regulations of the state, are noticed with some degree of care." 5 Am. Law Magaz. 456.

ALLEYNE, JOHN. Legal degrees of Marriage, stated and considered, in a series of letters to a friend. 3d edit. 8vo. London. 1810.57