Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/697

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tay TAPPAN, JOHN. County and Town Ofllcer, or a concise View of the Duties and Offices of County and Town Officers in the State of New York. 8vo. Kingston. 1816. TATE, JOSEPH. A Digest of the Laws of Virginia, which are of a Permanent Character and General Operation, illustrated by Jndicial Decisions, to which is added an Index of the Names of the Cases in the Virginia Reporters. Svo. Richmond. 1823. TATE, WM. The Modern Cambist, forming a Manual of Foreign Exchanges. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1831. TATTERSALL, G. and T. CHAMBERS. The Metropolitan Buildings Act, 7 & 8 Vict. c. 84. 12nio. London. 1844. TAUNTON, V/M. P. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and other Courts, from Mich. Term, 48 Geo. HL, 1807, to Hil. Term, 59 Geo. HL, 1819. 8 •vols. 8vo. London. 1810-23. Svo. New York. 1810-24. TAYLER, T. Precedents of Wills drawn conformably to the Revised Statutes of the Stale of New York. With Practical Notes, comprising the Duty of Executors, Administrators, and Guardians. 8vo, Albany. 1842. . The Law Glossary ; being a Selection of the Greek, Latin, Saxon, French, Norman, and Italian Sentences, Phrases, and Maxims, found in the Works of Lords Coke, Sho- wer, &c. 8vo. Albany. 1833. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1833, Those who think they have occasion to consult this volume, ought first to read a review of the same, to be found in the American Jurist, where some of its defects are rather emphatically pointed out. The work abounds in inaccuracies, and Avill quite as often lead the consulter astray, as direct him to a proper understanding of what the author attempts to explain. 12 A. J. 218; 7 L. R. 73 ; 2 Rev. Etran. 189. TAYLOR, JOHN. Elements of the Civil Law. 4th edition, Revised and Corrected. Svo. London. 1828. See Ellis. " Taylor's Elements of the Civil Law are, perhaps, more than any other work, calculated to assist in the exposition of the mutual relation of the legal sciences, and the general literature of ancient Rome." Mr. Gibbon calls Dr. Taylor " a learned, rambling, spirited writer." Evans' Poth. Intro. G2 ; Gib. Dec. & Fall. c. 40, n, . New Views of ihe Constitution of the United Slate.'. Svo. AVashington. 1823. 685