Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/701

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THO THEOBALD, WILLIAM. The Poor Law Amendment Act ; with a Commentary on the Powers of the Commissioners, and a gene- ral Introductory View. 12mo. London. 1834. THEORY OF PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE; or, an Inquiry into the Nature of Circumstantial Evidence. 8vo. London. 1815. This volume is attributed to Mr. Phillips. Pref. Best on Presumptions. THEORY OF EVIDENCE. 8vo. London. 1761. See Evi- dence. This volume was incorporated into the Institute of the Law of Nht Prius, afterwards known as Buller's Nisi Prius. It passed through several editions, and is cited in Woocfs Institute, as Nelson's Evidence. {' Brooke, 213; Clarke, 294. THESAURUS BREVIUM; or, a Collection of approved Forms of Writs, and Entries to those Writs and Pleadings ; together with their Special Directions to all Cities and Boroughs. 2d ed. ByJ. C. fol. London. 1787. THOMAS, B. F. A Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts, in rela- tion to the Powers, Duties, and Liabilities of Towns, and of Town Officers; with the necessary Forms. 12mo. Worcester. 1845. THOMAS, J. H. A Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke's first Institute of the Laws of England, on the Plan of Sir Matthew Hale's Analysis; with the Annotations of Mr. Hargrave, Lord Chief Justice Hale, and Lord Chancellor Nottingham; and anew series of Notes and References, to the present time. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1818. 1st American from the last London ed. ; to which are added the Notes of Charles Butler. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 183G. " This edition has been prepared with immense industry, and is a very creditable monument of the learning of lIr. Thomas. We should, never- theless, prefer for students, the original form of Hargrave and Butler's Coke upon Littleton, as we believe they would read it with more ease and with greater profit." Hoff. Leg. Stu. 229 ; 15 A. J. 494. THOMAS, M. AND J. II. A Synopsis of the Law of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. 8vo. London. 1814. THOMAS, J. P. A Treatise of Universal Jurisprudence. 2d ed., Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. 8vo. London. 1829. 44 689