Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/703

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TIL TIDD, WILLIA-M. The Praclice of the Courts of K. B., and C. P., in Personal Actions and Ejectment; to which are added, the Law and Practice of Extents, and the Rules of Court and Modern Decisions in the Exchequer of Pleas. 9lh ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. 3d American from the 9th English ed. : with Notes. By F. J. Troubat. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelpliia. 1840. Mr. Tidd's Practice has always been a favorite work with the Profes- sion, on account of its accuracy, comprehensiveness, and the scientific manner in which every part of the subject is displayed and illustrated. No practical Treatise in modern times approaches nearer to judicial authority than this. It, of course, contains somewhat that has no appli- cability to the Common Law Practice in the Courts of this country, but, in a great variety of Cases, it is received as a proper guide for the prac- titioner, and is, perhaps, in more general use than any English reprint of this description. 1 Jurist, 483; Eagley's Chamber Pr. Pref. ; Ilennell's Forms, 9; 10 Went. PI. Pref. 5; Lee's Die. Pr. Pref.; I Saund. Rep. 318, n ; Warren's L. S. 752; 8 Barn. & Cres. 3 ; 2 Crompt. & J. 316 ; 2 Y. & J. 562. . New Praclice in the Courts of K. B., C. P., and Exchequer of Pleas, in Personal Actions and Ejectment; con- taining all the recent Statutes, Rules of Court, and Judicial Deci- sions relating thereto. 8vo. London. 1837. This is a consolidation of the several Supplements to Mr. Tidd's Practice, and constitutes, with the ninth edition of that work, the whole body of the Common Law Practice, down to the time of publication. 14 L. O. 123. . Practical Fonns and Entries of Proceedings in the Courts of K. B., C. P., and Exchequer of Pleas. 8th ed., cor- rected and considerably enlarged. 8vo. London. 1840. . The Law of Costs in Civil Actions. 8vo. Lon- don. 1792. TILLING HAST, JOHN L. A General Collection of Forms and Precedents for Process, Entries, and Pleadings in Civil Actions at Law, adapted to the Revised Statutes of the Stale of New York. 8vo. Albany. 1830. " These Forms were mostly printed before the revision of the Statutes in New York ; consequently, in several respects, they have been mate- rially affected or rendered inappropriate by those, and other Statutes sub- sequently passed, and by the judicial decisions giving constructions to them." Pref. Yates' Forms. 691