Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/705

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TOM TOMLINSv SIR T. E. A Digested Index to the Term Reports ; containinof all the Points of Law determined in the Court of K. B., from 1785 to 1805, and in the C. P., from 1788 to 1805. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1806. . JRepertorium Juridicum ; a General Lidex to all the Cases and Pleadings in Law and Equity, contained in all the Reports, Year-Books, &c., hitherto published. Part L 8vo. Dublin. 1788. . The Law Dictionary, explaining the Rise, Pro- gress, and Present State of the British Law ; defining and Inter- preting the Terms or Words of Art, and comprising, also, copious Information on the Subjects of Trade and Government. 4lh ed., with extensive Additions, embodying the whole of the recent Alterations in the Law. By T. C. Granger. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1835. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1836. Mr. Tomlins made Jacobs' Law Dictionary the basis of his, upon which he and his editors have engrafted the changes and growth of the law from time to time, as new editions were required. It is voluminous, and prepared with skill and accuracy, but a considerable portion of the volumes is taken up with statutory provisions, that may be serviceable in England, but which are of trifling use to American lawyers. Within a few years almost every material branch of the law has been favored with separate treatises, so that there is less need than formerly of ex- tended disquisitions, such as are devoted to certain Titles in Mr. Tom- lin's volumes. For practical purposes, Mr. Bouviei's Law Dictionary is, in every respect, much to be preferred to the English work. 14 L. M. 239. . The Law Dictionary, abridged. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1810. . A Popular Law Dictionary, familiarly explaining the Terms and Nature of English Law, adapted to the Compre- hension of Persons not Educated for the Legal Profession, and affording Information peculiarly useful to Magistrates, Merchants, &c. 12mo. London. 1838. . A familiar Explanation of the Law of Wills, the Law of Descent and Distribution in case no Will is made, and the Office and Duty of Executors and Administrators ; with Forms of Wills and other Practical Instructions. Newed. 8vo. London. 1810. 693