Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/712

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TYR TYLER, J. E. Oaths ; their Origin, Nature, and History. 2(1 ed. 8vo. London. 1835. TYLER, ROYALL. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Vermont, from 1800 to 1803. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1809-10. Mr. Tyler's Reports '• have been found to be so inaccurately and unfaith- fully reported, that they are rarely cited, and never relied on as authori- ties, even in our own courts; nor are the decisions made while he presided in the court, at all regarded as law in Vermont." 3 Griff. L. R. 2, n. ; 4 Cowen, 28, TYNG, DUDLEY ATKINS. Reports of Cases argued and de- termined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, from 1804 to 1822. 2d edition, with Notes and References to Ameri- can and English Cases, by B. Rand. 17 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1828-39. The high character of these Reports, for sound and varied learning, is well known. In Mr. Rand's edition, a number of typographical errors, and mistakes of reference, to be found in the original impressions, are corrected, and the editor's notes are concise, and generally pertinent. " His comments on expressions, used by the Court, in some instances, may, perhaps, be thought to verge upon the hypercritical." The first volume of these Reports was furnished to the profession by E. Williams, q. V. 1 A. J. 182; (18) 280,402. TYRRELL, JAMES. Bibliolheca PoUtica ; or, an Inquiry into the Antient Constitution of the English Government, with respect to tlie Regal Power, and the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, collected out of^he best Authors, in fourteen Dialogues, fol. London. 1718. Mr. Tyrrell, in his writings, has given us the true principles of Go- vernment and Property ; and in particular, a very rational account of the English Constitution. His prefaces are labored and very curious. . A Brief Disquisition of the liaw of Nature, ac- cording to the Principles laid down in Cumberland's Latin Trea- tise on that Subject; as also his Confutation of Mr. Hobbs' Principles. 2d edition, corrected. 8vo. London. 1701. TYRWHITT, R. P. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, from Mich. Term, 1 Will. IV. 1830, to Trin. Term, 5 Will. IV. 1835. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1832-37. 700