Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/719

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VEA VAUCHER, J, A Guide to Marine Insurances, containing the Policies of the principal Commercial Towns in the World ; also, Remarks on the Mutual Relation between Insured and Insurers, and comparative Tables, exhibiting at a glance the principal Con- ditions of the several Policies, and the Risks warranted by them. 8vo. London. 1834. VAUGHAN, RICE. Practica TVaUise ; or, the Proceedings in the great Sessions of Wales; containing the Practice of an Attor- ney there, from an Original to the Execution ; whereunto is added, the Old Statute of Wales at large, and the Abridgment of all the Statutes uniting Wales to England. I2mo. London. 1672. VAUGHAN, SIR JOHN. Reports and Arguments in the Com- mon Pleas ; being, all of them, special Cases, and many wherein he pronounced the Resolution of the whole Court of Common Pleas, at the time he was Chief Justice there; to which is added, a Tract concerning Process out of the Courts at Westminster into Wales, published by his Son, Edward Vaughan. 2d ed,, with References, fol. London. 1706. This volume is mainly composed of the Reporter's decisions while he sat upon the Bench, and, with some exceptious, they are distinguished for accuracy and sound learning. Treby, J., says, some of the Cases are wrote out by himself, and corrected, and received his last hand; and they are good and methodical discourses, and give a true picture of his mind. But there are others, and that of Sheppard v. Gosnold I take to be one, that were only taken from loose notes ; and which he intended to have perfected if he had lived. This I say, without reflection on so learned a man." The Reports were not published till after Sir John's death. Eunomus, 27 ; 1 Kent, 486 ; 6 M. L. M. 177 ; N. A. Rev, 1830, p. 154; Wallace's Rep. 43. VAUX, RICHARD. Reports of some of the Criminal Cases on Primary Hearing before Richard Vaux, Recorder of the City of Philadelphia; together with some Remarks on the Writ of Habeas Corpus, and Forms of Proceeding in Criminal Cases. Bvo. Phi- ladelphia. 1846. VAZEILLE, F. A. Traile des Prescriptions, suivant les nouveaux Codes Franjais. Nouvelle edition. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1833. VEAL, JOHN. The Record and Writ Practice of the Court of Chancery, under the Act, 5 & 6 Vict., c. 103. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1845. 707