Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/72

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AMERICAN LAW. A Treatise on American Law, designed for the use of the people. By a citizen of Tennessee. 8vo. Nashville. 1843.

The design of the author of this work is to produce a familiar Treatise upon law adapted to popular use. By a notice in Vol. I of the South Western Law Journal, 119, it seems doubtful whether the entire book will ever be published. "For want of adequate patronage, only 200 pages of the work have been published, embracing some remarks on law in general, and a commentary on the Constitutions of the United States and Tennessee, after the manner of Bayard on the Constitution." There are already several of these popular legal treatises before the American public, but unfortunately for the authors of them, or unfortunately for the public discernment, such books, for the most part, have not met with a very extended sale, and consequently they are not much read.

AMES, A. Observations on the case of the King and Geddington, relative to the law of Parochial Settlement by equitable estate. 8vo. London. 1823.

AMOS, A., AND J. FERARD. A Treatise on the Law of Fixtures and other property, partaking both of a real and personal nature. 8vo. London. 1827. New York. 1830.

The law of fixtures is ably discussed in this treatise, which is the first elementary work of the kind that was written. It has been said that "its value to the practitioner is greatly diminished by its frittering down broad and general principles by minute distinctions," but this objection is rather in the nature of the subject, than in the method of treating it, pursued by the authors. The work has been enriched with American notes of cases, and is cited with approbation by Chancellor Kent, in his Commentaries, who says, "This valuable treatise has collected the numerous cases on the subject of fixtures, and traced and stated the subtle distinctions arising therein, with clearness and accuracy." 6 London Law Maga. 99; 2 Angell's Law Intelligencer, 289. 2 Kent's Com. 344, n.

AMYRAUT MOYSE. Considerations sur les droits par lesquels la nature a reiglé les marriages. 8vo. Saumur. 1648.

ANDERSON, SIR EDMUND. Les Reports des mults principals cases en le temps del jadis roign Eliz., cibien en le common bank, come devant touts les Juges de cest Roialme. 2 Parts. Fol. London. 1664-5.

These Reports have always been in fair repute, and are still regarded as good authority in Westminster Hall. They consist of notes of cases60