Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/721

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VES VERNON, G. W. AND J. B. SCRIVEN. Irish Reports or Re- ports of Cases determined in the King's Courts, Dublin ; with select Cases in the House of Lords, of Ireland, from T. T., 26 Geo. III., to T. T., 28 Geo. III. 8vo. Dublin. 1790. VERNON, T. Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, from 23 Ch. II., to 5 Geo. I. 3d ed., with Notes, by J. Raithby. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1828. Reprinted: 2 vols. 8vo. Brookfield. 1829. These volumes appeared after Mr. Vernon's death, under the direction of the Court of Chancery. A dispute arose among the Reporter's heirs with regard to the property in the 1ISS., and under the order of Lords Macclesfield and Kingr, Peere-Williams and Mr. Melmoth were instructed to edit and publish them ; to whom we are probably indebted for the marginal notes. It does not appear that the Reporter revised or intended his MSS, for the press, and Lord Kenyon informs us, " that it had been an hundred and an hundred times lamented, that Vernon's Reports were published in a very inaccurate manner," The first edition is uniformly considered as too inaccurate to be relied upon. The second and third editions contain the editorial labours of Mr. Raithby, which consist of numerous lucid annotations, and a careful correction of the Cases ^y the Register's Books. Vernon is the best of the old Chancery reporters, and his volumes " can be trusted as far as they go, still they frequently leave many material facts to mere conjecture, and unless they are read with scrupulous attention, may prove to be dangerous guides." 16 L. M. 287; 3 Moore, 702; 2 Ves. 610; 1 Atk. 556; Bridg. Bib. 347; 10 Mod. 529 ; 1 Kent, 491 ; 1 H. B. 326 ; 8 T. R. 266 ; 16 Ves. 24 ; Wal- lace's Reporters, 74. VESEY, FRANCIS. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, from 1740-55. 4th ed., comprising References to tlie Register's Books, to the Supplement to these Reports, and subsequent determinations ; together with new marginal Notes. By Robert Belt. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1818. See Belt. "It would be difficult to find, in any age or nation, as the production of a single man, a more various or comprehensive body of legal wisdom, than is contained in these volumes. Though, upon the whole, arranged with more care than the collection of IMr. Lee, they have not preserved the speeches of the Chancellor with such accuracy, as to convey a distinct impression of the style of his elocution. But however much we may regret, in a literary point of view, the condensed form in which the Cases are published, if we look upon them as law reports, their concise- 709