Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/738

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WES WEST, MARTIN JOHN. Reports of Cases argued and deter- mined in the Court of Chancery, from 173G to 1739, from the original MSS. of Lord Hardwicke. 8vo. London. 1827. "Had it not been for these MSS., inherited by Lord Hardwicke's family, and compiled by Mr. West, his fame in respect of his earlier judgments, would have existed rather by tradition than by any living and tangible evidence ; or would have been nearly obliterated. Caruit quia vote sacro."" 16 L. M. 287. . Cases heard and determined by the House of Lords, on Appeals from the Courts of Equity, and on Writs of Error in England and Ireland ; and on Questions of Peerage, from 1839 to 1841. 8vo. London. 1842. WEST, WM. Symholeographie ; which may be termed Art, or Description of Instruments and Precedents, in 2 Parts. Part I. Augmented with divers new Precedents, not formerly printed. Part II. Newly Corrected and Amended in the four several Trea- tises. I. Of Fines and Concords. 11. Of Common Recoveries. III. Of Offences and Indictments. IV. Of Compromises and Arbitraments ; whereunto is annexed another Treatise of Equity, the Jurisdiction and Proceedings of the High Court of Chancery, &c., with other considerable Additions. 4to. London. 1647. " West's Symboleographie, has always been esteemed a book of au- thority. West was a pedant even in that pedantic age ; and scrupled not to set forth his learning under the guise of Greek and Hebrew. In deference to his unlearned readers, he dropped this idle display of scholarship in a second edition. The author's attainments were more specious than solid. His dissertation on Contracts is but an epitomized translation from Vultejus. However, his Symholeographie has been deservedly esteemed, and contains not only Precedents in Conveyanc- ing, but of Indictments, and of Proceedings in Chancery." 2 Mart. Conv. 2G ; Wood's Civ. Law, Pref. 9 ; 2 Taunton, 85 ; 2 Barn. & Aid. 638 ; Willes, 553. WESTERN, T. G. Cases relating to the Tithes of the City of London. 8vo. London. 1823. . Commentaries on the Constitution and Laws of England, incorporated with the Political Text of De Lolme, em- bracing the Alterations to the Present Time. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1840. " This volume forms a valuable Supplement to Blackstone's Commen- 726