Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/748

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WIL porter, by Mr. Durnford, whose editorial labours " bear unequivocal testimony of his diligence of inquiry, and accuracy of information, on all legal topics." Though a posthumous work, it is said to have been care- fully written out by Chief Justice Willes, with a view to publication, and has always been regarded as highly authoritative. 1 Kent's Com. 487; 2 Brod. & B. 598 ; 1 Atk. 45. WILLIAMS, JOSHUA. Principles of the Law of Real Properly, intended as a First Book for the Use of Students in Conveyancing. 8vo. London. 1845. This volume has the character of being carefully written, and of fur- nishing an excellent elementary view of the Law of Real Property. 9 Jurist, 11 ; 1 Law Rev. 402; 2 L. M. N. S. 201 ; Warren's L. S. 562, 766. WILLIAMS, J. The Laws of Trade and Commerce. 8vo. Lon- don. 1814. . The Laws of Auction, or the Auctioneer's Practi- cal Guide. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1823. . A Treatise on the Study and Practice of the Law, with Directions for a Course of Law Studies, whether Municipal, Civil, Canon, International, or Universal. 8vo. London. 1823. WILLIAMS, J. B. Memoirs of the Life, Character, and Writings of Sir Matthew Hale. 12mo. London. 1835. " No one can arise from an attentive perusal of these memoirs, with- out being in some degree improved, both as a lawyer and a man." WILLIAMS, EDW. Precedents of Warrants, Convictions, and other Proceedings before Justices of the Peace, chiefly Original ; and containing none that are to be met with in Dr. Burn's Justice, to which this Publication is offered as a Supplement of Practical Forms, &c. 8vo. London. 1805. WILLIAMS, EPHRAIM. Reports of Cases argued and deter- mined in the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1816. Upon the appearance of this volume it was most severely criticised, in an article to be found in the Monthly Anthology, which is said to have been written by Jeremiah Smith. Mr. Williams, in consequence of the review, abandoned the office of Reporter, which was afterwards filled by Mr. Tyng. The volume constitutes the earliest reported Cases in Mas- sachusetts. 3 Month. Anth. 138 ; 17 A. J. 475. 736