Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/752

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WIL WILSON, THOMAS. A Discourse uppon Usurye, by waye of Dialogue and Oracions, for the better Variet)ie, and more delite of all those that shall reade this Treatise. 8vo. London. 1572. WILSON, JAMES. Law Lectures. The Works of the Hon. J. Wilson, late one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United Slates, and Professor of Law in the College of Philadelpliia. Published under the direction of Bird Wilson. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1803-04. Judge Wilson was a sound lawyer, an accomplished scholar, and an enthusiastic admirer of a Republican form of Government. The sub- jects embraced by his Lectures, have been more fully and practically elaborated by other writers, but by none have they been more appropri- ately adorned with the ornaments of literature, the graces of composition, and the happy union of the useful and the agreeable. " They breathe a spirit of devotion to our civil institutions, and are marked by a boldness of inquiry, which is the great parent of all improvement." The third volume is in part composed of miscellaneous articles. Anth. Blk. 41 ; 2 U. S. Rev. & Lit. Gaz. 82 ; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 366. WILSON, JOHN. A short Treatise of the Law relative to Arbi- tration, with an Appendix of Precedents. 8vo. Hull. 1792. . A Practical Treatise on the Statutes for Register- ing Deeds and other Instruments, in the Counties of Middlesex and York, with Precedents of Memorials. 8vo. London. 1819. . A Treatise on Springing Uses and other Limita- tions by Deed, corresponding with Executory Devises, according to the Arrangement in Mr. Fearne's Essay. 8vo. London. 1824. See Law Library. Jus Eegium Coronx; or, the King's Supream Power in dispensing with Penal Statutes, argued by Reason, and confirmed by the Common and Statute Laws of the Kingdom. 2 Parts. 4to. London. 1688.

— . Reports of Cases in Chancery, commencing in

the Sittings after Ilil. Term, 1818. Vol. I. and Vol. II. Part 1. 8vo. London. WILSON, JAMES and THOMAS M'KEAN. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 8vo. London. 1792. 740