Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/754

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WIV WINGATE, EDMOND. An exact Abridgment of all the Stat- utes in force and in use, from the beginning of Magna Charta until 1641. 8vo. London. 1681. " Wingate's Abridgment has been often very carelessly reprinted. In the last impression, the false references are said to be rectified ; and the whole so accurately revised, that there is no hazard of a man's being misled and imposed on." Nic. Hist. Lib. 45. WINSLO W, F. The Plea of Lisanity, in Criminal Cases. 12mo. London. 1843. Reprinted. Boston. 1843. See Law Li- brary. WINSLOW, FORBES. An Act, 8 & 9 Vict. c. 100, for the Regulation of the Care and Treatment of Lunatics, with explana- tory Notes and Comments. 12mo. London. 1845. WINSLOW, J. Practical Instructions to Candidates for Holy Orders, Licences, Institutions, &c., with Forms, &c. 12mo. London. 1827. WIRT, WiW. The Life of Patrick Henry. 3d ed. Svo. Phila- delphia. 1818. WISBY. Laws of. See Malyne's Lex Mercatoria; Peters' Admiralty Decisions ; Sea Laws. WISCONSIN. Statutes of the Territory of Wisconsin, passed by the Legislative Assembly thereof, at a Session commencing in Nov. 1838, and at an adjourned Session commencing in Jan. 1839. Published by authority. Svo. Albany. 1839. WISEMAN, SIR ROBERT. The Law of Laws ; or, the excel- lency of the Civil Law above all other human Laws whatsoever. 8vo. London. 1686. WITHY, R. A Practical Treatise upon the Law of Annuities, wherein the different Securities for Annuities, and the Remedies for the recovery therefore, are fully exemplified ; together with the Determinations of the Courts on the Construction of the An- nuity Act ; to which is added a large Collection of Precedents. Svo. London. 1800, WIVES. The Hardships of the English Laws in relation to Wives Svo. London. 1735. 742