Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/761

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WRI WORDSWORTH, C. F. F. The Law relating to the registration of Voters, and Appeals to the Court of Common Pleas, with the Statute 6 Vict. c. 18, with Forms, and copious Index. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1845. WORRALL, JOHN. Bibliotheca Lcgum Anglia, Part L, or a Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm, and some others relating thereto, &c. 12mo. London. 1788. See Brooke, Edw. WORTHINGTON, GEORGE. A General Precedent for Wills, with copious practical Notes. 4th edition, with considerable ad- dition and alterations, bringing all the Decisions on the recent Statute of Wills down to the present time. 12mo. London. 1842. " The separate clauses of wills are given, and each are explained and illustrated by notes. The notes are full, and amount, in fact, to an able and learned little treatise on the law of wills." 6 Jurist, 323. WORTHINGTON, G. An Inquiry into the Power of Juries deciding Incidentally on Questions of Law. 8vo. London. 1825. See Law Library. WORTMAN, TUNIS. A Treatise concerning Political Enquiry, and the Liberty of the Press. 8vo. New York. 1800. WOTTON, "W. Leges Wallica?, ecclesiasticse et civiles Hoeli Boni, et aliorum Walliag, principum ex variis codicibus Manu- scriplis eruit interpretatione Latina, notis et glossario. fol. Lon- dini. 1730. About the year 940, the British laws were collected by order of How- ell Dha, one of their kings, by Blangoridus, Archdeacon of Landaff, (by some called Languaridus) which being approved and confirmed by the king, and having been taken principally from the laws of Dulwallo Mol- mutius, are known by the title of " the Laws of Howell Dha," and are the most regular collection and system of ancient laws extant. Dr. Wotton published an elegant edition of them; and several other collec- tions of the British or Welsh laws, are noticed by Dugdale, Orig. 54. See also Tanner Bibl. Brit. 105; Taylor on Gavelk. 154; Gurdon on Pari. I. 1000; and Barrington, in Pref. to Obs. on Stat. Clarke. WRIGHT, R. E. A practical Digest of the Laws of Pennsylva- nia, relative to the Office and Duties of Constable. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1840. 74»