Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/763

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WYN WYCHE, WILLIAM. A Treatise on the Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New York, in Civil Actions. 2d ed. 8vo. New York. 1704. WYNNE, WILLIAM. The Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, with a Series of Letters from the Beorjnninor to the End of the Treaties of Cologne and Nimegucn, wherein are related the most Memo- rable Trnnsaclions of those Times. 2 vols. fol. 1724. " Sir L. Jenkins distinguished himself as a fjreat Civilian ; and was eminent for his skill in Admiralty, and Maritime Jurisprudence, as well as in International Law." Red. Mar. Com. 431 ; Wheaton's Hist. L. N. 103. WYNNE, EDWARD. Eunomus ; or Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England ; with an Essay on Dialogue. 5th ed,, with Notes, and a Dissertation on a Course of Reading for Students. By W. M. Bythewood. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1822. Elegance of diction, appropriateness of illustration, and novelty of method, combine to make Eunomus a most attractive and instructive book. The origin and spirit of legal principles, the practice of the Courts, and information of general professional interest, are carefully examined and soundly explained. Such works aiTord the best evidence of the fallacy of the assertion, '^ that law is a dry and uninteresting study." It appeared originally as anonymous, and is more commonly cited as Eunomus, without mentioning the author. The last edition is considerably enlarged and much improved. 1 Bart. Conv. 27; 3 Co. Lit. 155, b ; 2 L. M. 95. . Miscellany ; containing several Law Tracts, viz. : I. Observations on Filz-herbert's Natura Brevium. II. An In- quiry concerning the Reason the Law has made in cases of Theft, between things annexed to the Freehold, and things severed from it. III. An Argument on behalf of the unlimited Extension of Collateral Consanguinity. IV. An Account of the Trial of the Pix. V. Observation on the Antiquity of the Court of Claims, with a Journal of the Court, held in the Summer, 1761, before the Coronation of their present Majesties. VI. An Answer to to Two Passages in the Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, by another hand. VII. Observations on the Antiquity and Dig- nity of the Degree of Serjeant-at-Law, from a MS. of Mr. Ser- jeant Wynne. Svo. London. 1765. This Miscellany was not published for sale, the author having printed but a very few copies for particular friends. Clarke. 751