Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/87

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ATK ATKINS, SIR ROB. Inquiry into the jurisdiction of the Chan- cery in causes of Equity. To which is added, the case of the said Sir Rob. Atkins, about a separate maintenance, folio. Lon- don. 1G95. ATKINSON, S. The theory and practice of conveyancing, com- prising the Law of Real Property. 2 ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 184L This is an excellent book, evincing considerable industry and learning in the author, and is written in a perspicuous and logical style. In sup- port of his positions, the author has only given the result of the leading decisions without encumbering his book with myriads of cases that are pertinent or analogous, as is too frequently the case with many elemen- tary writers. The second edition was prepared with great care, and the work maintains a commendable position among manuals upon the law of conveyancing. 5 M. L. M. 268. 3 Jurist, 583, (5) 283. . Practice of the Court of Chancery, with an ap- pendix, containing all the General Orders issued on and since April, 1828, and also the recent statutes relative to Practice. 12mo. London. 1842. This is a brief, convenient, and useful practical work. . The Conveyancer's Manual. 8vo. London. 1830. . Essay on marketable or doubtful Titles to Real Estate. 8vo. London. 1833. See Law Library, post. ^ . Common Forms and Precedents in Conveyancing, as settled by the most eminent Conveyancers, &c. The whole illustrated by practical suggestions, interspersed throughout, for the purpose of explaining the use and necessity of the several species of Assurance contained herein. 8vo. London. 1829. Acts relating to the law of real property, passed in the 3 and 4 W. IV,; also the Act for the further amendment of the law, with notes and Index. 8vo. London. 1833. Practical Points in Conveyancing, from the manu- scripts of Butler, Preston, and Bradley. 8vo. London. 1829. . Sir E. B. Sugden's Acts ; to which are added the new act relating to Executors, so much of the act for the better administration of justice as relates to Ejectments, and the entailed Estates Bill, with notes and an index. 8vo. London. 1830. 75