Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/93

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AZU superfluous matter, delivered in a most confused manner." Preface to Brown's Civ. Law. AYLIFFE, JOHN. Parergon juris canonici Anglicani ; or, a commentary by way of supplement to the canons and constitutions of the Church of England ; from the books of the canon and civil law, and likewise from the statute find common laws of this realm. Folio. London. 1726, 1734. . Law of Pawns, as it was in use among the Ro- mans, and as it is now practised in most sovereign nations. 8vo. London. 1732. AYLOFFE (Sir Jos.) Calendar of Ancient Charters, and of the Scotch and Welsh rolls, now in the tower of London, with four copper plates, exhibiting all the various hands in which the several charters have been written, from the reign of William the Con- queror, to that of Eliz. AVith an introduction, giving an account of the state of the public records from the conquest to the present time. 4to. London. 1772 or 1774. ^ This work was begun by the Rev. Philip Morant. AYRERI, GEO. HEN. Diatribe de Cambialis instituti vesligiis apud Romanos. 4to. Lips. 1735. AYRES, W. T. A comparative view of the differences between the English and Irish Statute and Common Law, in the order of Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries, with an introduction, fully discussing the contested point of the power of the British Parliament to bind Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1780. The author has harrowed the main part of his work from Blackstone's Commentaries, inserting here and there a paragraph or a note, with refer- ence to decisions and Irish statutes. The introduction contains a valu- able historical dissertation on the power of the British Parliament to bind Ireland. 64 Monthly Review, 258. AYRTON, S. Practice in Bankruptcy, relating to bonds and other proceedings under the Act for Abolishing Imprisonment for Debt. 1 & 2 Vict., c. 110, § 8. 12mo. London. 1840. AZUNI, D. A. Dizionario universale Ragionato della Giurisprii- denza Mercantile. 2d ed. 4 torn. 4to. Livorno. 1822. This work is rather a collection of essays upon commercial law, than in strictness a Dictionary. The author, in illustration of his positions, freely refers to the leading continental treatises upon commercial law, that were published anterior to the time that he wrote, and his work 6 ^1