Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/99

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BAG the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; with a vindication of the ancient way of parliaments in England, collected from some manuscript notes of John Sdlden, Esq. 5lh ed. corrected and improved by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. 4to. London. 1760. This book was also privately printed in 1672, when a violent prosecu- tion of the publisher took place ; in consequence of which several hun- dred copies were seized and burnt ; another prosecution was taken up against the publisher of the edit, of 1682, which proceeded to outlawry against him, he having taken refuge abroad, where he remained till the revolution. BACON, THOS. Complete System of the Revenue of Ireland, in its several branches of Import, Export, and Inland Duties. 8vo. Dublin. 1774. . The laws of Maryland, now just collecied into a complete body, and published from the original acts and records in the Secretary's office of the said province, with notes, &c. ; to which is prefixed the Charter, with an English translation, folio. Annapolis. 1765. BACON, D. The New York Judicial Repository. 8vo. New York. 1818. BAGGETT, DANIEL. The Bankrupt Law of Ireland. 8vo. Dubhn. 1795. . Precedents of Decrees in Chancery of Ireland. 8vo. 2d ed. Dublin. 1817. . A Treatise on the remedy by civil bill before the Judges of Assize. 8vo. Dublin. 1794. BAGLEY, WILLIAM. The new Practice of the Courts of Law at Westminster, with Forms embodied in the text for the use of town and country practitioners. Bvo. London. 1840. This Treatise is designed to supply the profession with a concise prac- tical work upon the law, as modified by the recent changes. " The author has attempted to combine the learning and scientific method of Tidd, with the practical familiarity of Impey, and to condense within the compass of a volume, not only the substance of the statutes, rules, and decisions, relating to proceedings at law, but minute instructions for taking every step in such proceedings." It is a very well written work, containing, under their appropriate divisions, many useful forms. The author has, however, been censured for not referring to his authority for many positions that he has laid down, and for some inaccuracies and 87