Do not disturb yourself with vain curiosity concerning the affairs of others, nor how they conduct themselves, unless your position makes it your duty to do so. — Ven. Louis de Blois.
The deceitful charms of prosperity destroy more souls than all the scourges of adversity. — St. Bernard.
The first degree of humility is the fear of God, which we should constantly have before our eyes. — Ven. Louis de Blois.
He who cheerfully endures contempt and is happy under crosses and affliction, partakes of the humility and sufferings of Our Lord. — St. Mechtildis.
He who is resigned to the divine will shall always surmount the difficulties he meets with in the service of God. The Lord will accomplish His designs concerning him. — St. Vincent de Paul.
Consent to suffer a slight temporary pain, that so thou mayst avoid the eternal pains which sin deserves. — St. Catherine of Siena.