We should offer ourselves and all we have to God, that He may dispose of us according to His holy will, so that we may be ever ready to leave all and embrace the afflictions that come upon us. — St. Vincent de Paul
No one has a right to mercy who can not himself show mercy. — Ven. Louis de Granada.
We should reflect on all our actions, exterior and interior, and before we commence, examine well if we are able to finish them. — Ven. John Tauler.
The reason why the lukewarm run so great a risk of being lost is because tepidity conceals from the soul the immense evil which it causes. — St. Alphonsus.
We should learn of Jesus Christ to be meek and humble of heart, and ask Him unceasingly for these two virtues. We ought, particularly, to avoid the two contrary vices which would cause us to destroy with one hand what we seek to raise with the other. — St. Vincent de Paul.
The sufferings endured for God are the greatest proof of our love for Him. — St. Alphonsus.