Death is welcome to one who has always feared God and faithfully served Him. — St. Teresa.
True humility consists in being content with all that God is pleased to ordain for us, believing ourselves unworthy to be called His servants. — St. Teresa.
The best preparation for death is a perfect resignation to the will of God, after the example of Jesus Christ, who, in His prayer in Gethsemani prepared Himself with these words, "Father, not as I will, but as Thou wilt." — St. Vincent de Paul.
The errors of others should serve to keep us from adding any of our own to them. — St. Ignatius.
There is more security in self-denial, mortification, and other like virtues, than in an abundance of tears. — St. Teresa.
A resolute will triumphs over everything with the help of God, which is never wanting. — St. Alphonsus.
If humble souls are contradicted, they remain calm; if they are calumniated, they suffer with pa-