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surrounded by none but foes of the man I love? I'll be sworn that this turnkey, whom I do not know, likewise hates him.

Joshua.'Tis true, your Majesty.

The Queen.My God! my God! This Simon Renard is more king than I am queen. What! no one here whom I may trust! no one to whom to give full powers to effect Fabiani's escape!

Jane [stepping from behind the pillar.]Yes, your Majesty—I!

Joshua [aside.]Jane!

The Queen.You! who are you? 'Tis you, Jane Talbot? How came you here? But no matter—you are here! you come to save Fabiani! Thanks! I should hate you, Jane, I should be jealous of you—I have a thousand reasons for it. But no, I love you for loving him. In face of the scaffold there 's an end of jealousy,—nothing is left but love. You are like me—you forgive him, I see. Men cannot understand that. Lady Jane, let us understand each other. We are both most unhappy, are we not? We must help Fabiani to escape. I have no one but you, so I must needs take you. I am sure at least that your whole heart is enlisted. Look you to it.—My masters, you will both obey Lady Jane in whatever she shall command, and you will answer to me with your heads for the execution of her orders. Embrace me, girl.

Jane.The Thames washes the foot of the Tower on this side. There is a secret issue that I have remarked. A boat at that issue, and the escape may be made by the Thames. 'Tis the safest way.

Master Æneas.'Tis impossible to have a boat there within an hour.

Jane.'Tis very long.