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III. Boyhood

As Mohan grew older he became a little less shy and made friends with the boys in his class. He had one spe cial friend. They had a lot of fun together and were also up to mischief. At that time there were in Rajkot many young people who wanted to be modern and thought that they would be so if they imitated the ways of the Englishmen there. Mohan's friend, too, was full of these ideas and he said to Mohan, “We are a weak nation because we do not eat meat. Now look at these Englishmen. They are able to rule us because they are meat eaters. I eat meat and I am stronger than you. Why don't you also start eating meat?”

Mohan had always admired his friend very much for he was strong and daring. He was ashamed of his own fears of the dark, of ghosts and snakes and evil spirits. He longed to be like his friend and told him how he was afraid of these things.

"Once you start eating meat, all your fears will vanish,” said his friend confidently. "Look at me,” he boasted, “I can hold live serpents in my hand.”