Page:Mashi and Other Stories.djvu/17

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I do not know whence comes this gladness that fills my heart tonight."

Mashi began gently to soothe Jotin's brow, her tears unseen in the dark.

"I was thinking, Mashi, she's so young! What will she do when I am——?"

"Young, Jotin? She's old enough. I too was young when I lost the idol of my life, only to find him in my heart for ever. Was that any loss, do you think? Besides, is happiness absolutely necessary?"

"Mashi, it seems as if just when Mani's heart shows signs of awakening I have to——"

"Don't you worry about that, Jotin. Isn't it enough if her heart awakes?"

Suddenly Jotin recollected the words of a village minstrel's song which he had heard long before:

O my heart! you woke not when the man of my heart came to my door.
At the sound of his departing steps you woke up.
Oh, you woke up in the dark!

"Mashi, what is the time now?"

"About nine."

"So early as that! Why, I thought it must be