Page:Massacre of Glencoe (5).pdf/7

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As Jenny sat down wi’ her wheel by the fire,
And thought of the time that was fast fleein’ by,
She said to hersel’, wi’ a heavy heigh hee,
Oh! a’ body’s like to get married but me!
She said, &c.

My youthfu’ companions are a’ worn awa,
And tho’ I’ve had wooers mysel’, ane or twa,
Yet a lad to my mind I ne’er yet could see:
Oh! a’ body’s like to get married but me!
Yet a lad, &c.

There’s Lowrie, the lawyer, wad hae me fu’ fain,
Who has baith a house and a yard o’ his ain;
But before I’d gang to it, I rather wad die;
A wee stumpin’ body!—he’ll never get me!
But before, &c.

There’s Dickie, my cousin, frae Lunon come down,
Wi fine yellow buckskins that dazzled the town;
But, poor deevil, he got ne’er a blink o’ my ee
Oh! a’ body’s like to get married but me!
But, poor deevil, &c.