Page:Mathematical collections and translations, in two tomes - Salusbury (1661).djvu/539

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The Authority of Scripture,

He Table.


Granting the Diurnal Vertigo of the 'Eartp , mm that by ferae fuddcn Stop or Obftacic it were Arretted , Houfcs, Mountains thcmfelveSj and perhaps the whole Globe , would be fhaken in pieces. . ^9°

Other Arguments of two Modern Authours [Scbciner and. Claramontius ] againft the Copernican Hypothcfis of the Earths Mo- tion. 195

The firft Objection of the Modern Authour [Scheiner] in his Book of Conclusions. 195

The Argument of [Claramontius] againft the earths Motion, taken horn things falling per- pendicularly , another way anfwcrcd. 223

The Sarths Motion colleded from the Stiars.


Argumeuts againft the £jrr^/ Motion , taken ex rerum natura.

A Simple Body as the Earth , cannot move with three fcvcral Motions. ' 23^

The Earth cannot move with any of the Moti- ons affigncd it by Copernicus. 231

Anfwers to the Arguments againft the £arths Motion 5 token *x renm n <itnrA. 231

Four Axiomes againft the Motion ^of the £'^r//;.


One onely Principle might cause a Plurality of Motions in the Earth. 233

The fame Argument againft the Plurality of Motions in the Earth , anfwercd by Exam- ples of the like Motions in other Celellial Bodies. ' ^' 136

A fourth Argument [of ClaramontiusJ agamft the Copernican Hypothefis of ihc Earths Mobility. ^ ^39

FromtheE4rr^Jobfcurity 3 and the fplcndorof the fixed Stars, it is argued that it is move- able, and they immoveable. ' " 2-39

A fifth Argument [of Claramontius] againft the Copernican Hypothefis of the Earths Mobility. * 240

Another difference between the Earth and Ge- Icftial Bodies , taken from Purity and im- purity. 240

Itfeems aSolecifme ^ to affirme that the Earth is not in Heaven. 241

Granting to the Eanh the Annual , it muft of neceffity alfo have the Diurnal Motion affi- gnedtoit. 300

Diicourles more than childifti , that fervcto keep Fools in the Opinion of the£4rfAy Sta- bility* ' 301

The Difficulties removed that arife from the moving about the Sun, notfolitari- Iv , but in confort with the Moon. 3^7 ^ ' ' The

76 The Axis of the Eanh continueth alwaycs pa-

kdpfcribeth a Cylindrai- cal Superficies , inclining to the Orb. 344 The Orb of the Earth never inclineth, but is immutably the fiime. 34^ The £artk approachetji or reccdetb from the iExed Stars of the Ecliptick the quantity ot the Grand Orb. 34^ If in the fixed Scafeone fhould dikoverany Mu- tation, the Motion pf the Ei?r;-^ wrf^ undeniable. • • - r ' < -fi- ^^-^ Ncceffary Propofitions for the better concei- ving of the Confcqu^ncx^ of th^farthsMO" tion.

i^n ^d jTfiirable Accident depending on tl]?'.^^^ inclining of the Earth Axis. ; , .3^^

Four feveral Motions alTigned to the Earth,

The third Motion afcribed to tht Earth 9 is ra- ther a refting immoveable. 3^3

An admirable mterne vertue [or faculty] of Earths Globe , to behold alwaycs the {^^^ part oi Heaven. , l^i

Nature, as iu fport , maketh the E'bbing ai^*^ Flowing of the Sea to prove the Earths

^' tility: ^ ' ' V9

AH Terrene Efft^s indifferently confirm the Motion or Reft of the eJtceptthe Eb- bing and Flowing of the Sea. 3^^

The Cavities of the Earth cannot approach Of recede fron:i the Centre of the fame. 3^'

The Hypothefis of the Earths ^fobility taken infivour of the Ebbing and Flowing^ oy: pofbd. " ' .

TheAnfwerstothofe Objeftions madcag^^^^- ihe Earths Motion. $99

The R^evplution of the Earth confirmed by 4 ' new Argument taken from the Aire. 4^^

The vaporous parts of the Earth partake of its Motions. 4°^

Another obfervation taken from the Ayr, 1? confirmation of the motion of the Earth, 40^

AReafon of the continual Motion of the Aj^ and Water may be given by making tn? Earth moveable, rather then by making immoveable. ^'?r

The Earth's Mobility held by fundry g^catPni^ lofophersamongft the Antients. ^37^^ g

The Fathers agree not in expounding theText of Scripture that are alledged again/t tn E4r;^i Mobility.

The Earth Mobility defended by many ^' mongftthe Modern Writers. <v r

The Earth ftiall ftand ftill after the P^y ^ Judgement. 4^^

The Earth is another Moon or Star. 4^^

The E^nhf feveral Motions , according tofo-

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