Page:Maury's New Elements of Geography, 1907.djvu/131

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overflow? Among the high mountains near the sources of the Nile the rain falls in torrents. It pours into the river and fills it to overflowing.

Wheat, rice, cotton, sugar-cane, and indigo are the chief products. Groves of date-palms are grown near every village.

Grain, cotton, indigo, and dates are the chief exports. Gold-dust, ivory, and ostrich feathers are brought by caravans from the interior of Africa into Egypt.

The ruler of Egypt is called Khedive (kedeev'), which means prince. He pays tribute to the Sultan of Turkey, but has an English official adviser.

Cairo (ki'-ro), the capital, is the largest city of Africa. Alexandria is the principal seaport.

The Suez canal is a part of the route now taken by vessels carrying tea and other articles from Asia to Europe. Formerly, ships sailed round Africa by way of the Cape of Good Hope in going from India to Europe.

2. The Barbary States.—Journeying westward from Cairo along the Mediterranean shores, we enter Tripoli, Tunis, Algeria, and Morocco, These are called the Barbary states, from the name of the Berbers, who were the native inhabitants.

Tripoli is a part of the Turkish Empire. Fezzan, the great oasis, belongs to Tripoli. Algeria and Tunis are possessions of France. Morocco is ruled by its own sultan.

The red cap called fez, worn in this region, is made by the people of Fez, a city of Morocco.

Grain, dates, and olive oil are the chief products. South of the Atlas mountains is a region called the Land of Dates. It is famed for the yield of this fruit.

The people of the Barbary states are Mohammedans.

The skins of the animals are made into large bottles. The water carriers
in the picture have skin bottles filled from the river Nile.

For Recitation.—What are the chief products of Egypt? What are the chief products of the Barbary states?


Highlands and Lowlands.—Find the highest mountains on the relief map. In what part of the continent are they? Find the highest peaks in the central part. What are their names? What parts of Africa are of a light gray color? What name is given to such parts? Trace the highland along the northern coast. In the southern extremity. What names are given to these ridges? Where is the lowest land in Africa? What color is it? Trace the light green strip along the eastern coast. How wide is it? What have you learned about the lowlands in the north of Africa? What name is given to them? What name is given to the north central lowlands?

Rivers and Lakes.—Find a group of lakes in central Africa. What river rises in one of these and flows north? Find three of its branches. What river rises in this group of lakes and flows west? Trace five of its branches. Find another river flowing east. Find a lake in north central Africa. Can you find rivers flowing into it? Does it have an outlet? Such lakes are usually salt. Can you tell why? Find a river in the western part of Africa. Trace its course, flow does it change its direction? Find a river in southern Africa. How many branches does it have? What is its name?

Coastline.— Trace the northern coast of Africa. What is its direction? What is the inlet called on this coast? Trace the eastern coast. What bodies of water on this coast? Do you find many good harbors? What can you say of the western coast? What great inlet do you find there?

Heat Belts, Plants, and Animals.—In which heat belt is the northern part of Africa? What plants grow there? What kind of animals are found? Find a lake on the map crossed by the equator. What can you tell of the plants of the central part? What animals are found in this part? In which heat belt is the greater part of Africa? Which parts of the continent are in the temperate belt? What can you tell of the plants and animals found in the southern part?


1. The Sahara (sah-hah'-rah) is the largest desert in the world. It reaches nearly across