Page:Max Havelaar Or The Coffee Sales of the Netherlands Trading Company Siebenhaar.djvu/292

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Max Havelaar

the desire of turning the Native Chief-officer from these practices by kindliness, or later even by threats, in order to attain the twofold object of stopping the abuse and at the same time avoiding too severe a treatment of the old Government-servant on the first occasion, especially in view of the bad examples which, I believe, have often been set him, and also in connection with the special circumstance that he was expecting a visit from two relatives, the Regents of Bandoong and of Tjanjor—at least for certain from the latter, who, I believe, is already on the way with a numerous retinue—so that more than otherwise he was tempted, and, on account of the straitened condition of his finances, as it were compelled, to provide by unlawful means for the requisite preparation for that visit.

“All this moved me to a lenient view with regard to things that had already happened, but in no way to indulgence for the future.

“I insisted on an immediate cessation of every illegal practice.

“With my provisional attempt to bring the Regent by kindliness to his duty I have previously acquainted you.

“It has, however, become evident to me that he flouts me in every way with insolent shamelessness, and in accordance with my official oath I feel it my duty to inform you:

“That I accuse the Regent of Lebak, Radhen Adhipatti Karta Natta Nagara, of abuse of authority by illegal disposal of the labour of his subjects, and that I suspect him of extortion, by demanding produce in naturâ, without payment or else for payment arbitranly fixed and insufficient;

“Further that I suspect his son-in-law, the Dhemang of Parang Koodyang, of complicity in the aforementioned acts.

“In order that both indictments may be properly prepared by me, I take the liberty to propose that you instruct me:

“1º to send the Regent of Lebak post-haste to Serang, taking every care that neither before his departure nor during the journey he be given the opportunity to influence, by bribery or other means, the testimonies I shall obtain;

“2° provisionally to arrest the Dhemang of Parang Koodyang;