Page:Mazeppa (1819).djvu/14

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But first, outspent with this long course,
The Cossack prince rubb’d down his horse,
And made for him a leafy bed,
And smooth’d his fetlocks and his mane,60
And slack’d his girth, and stripp’d his rein,
And joy’d to see how well he fed;
For until now he had the dread
His wearied courser might refuse
To browze beneath the midnight dews:
But he was hardy as his lord,
And little cared for bed and board;
But spirited and docile too;
Whate’er was to be done, would do.
Shaggy and swift, and strong of limb,70
All Tartar-like he carried him;
Obey’d his voice, and came at call,
And knew him in the midst of all:
Though thousands were around,—and Night,
Without a star, pursued her flight,—
That steed from sunset until dawn
His chief would follow like a fawn.