Page:Mazeppa (1819).djvu/49

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“I woke—Where was I?—Do I see
“A human face look down on me?
“And doth a roof above me close?
“Do these limbs on a couch repose?
“Is this a chamber where I lie?800
“And is it mortal yon bright eye,
“That watches me with gentle glance?
“I closed my own again once more,
“As doubtful that the former trance
“Could not as yet be o’er.
“A slender girl, long-hair’d, and tall,
“Sate watching by the cottage wall;
“The sparkle of her eye I caught,
“Even with my first return of thought;
“For ever and anon she threw810
“A prying, pitying glance on me
“With her black eyes so wild and free:
“I gazed, and gazed, until I knew
“No vision it could be,—
“But that I lived, and was released

“From adding to the vulture’s feast: