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Page:McCosh, John - Advice to Officers in India (1856).djvu/51

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of the officer wounded. Pensions for the loss of an eye or a limb are also regulated by the rank of the wounded officer; Lieut. Generals receiving £400, Colonels £300, Majors £200, Captains and Surgeons £100, Lieutenant and Assistant-surgeons £70 per annum for such injury.

8. OFFICERS KILLED IN ACTION or dying of wounds within six months after an action.—The widow and legitimate children of such officers, or failing them the mother, or failing her the sisters of such deceased officers, on whom they depended for support, shall, in addition to pensions from other funds, receive the following pensions:—The mother or sister of a colonel, £90; of a major, £70; of a captain £50; and of a lieutenant, £40 per annum. The above pensions do not debar them from donation batta in the event of such being granted to the troops for actions in which the officers fell.

9. DONATION BATTA.—In most campaigns six or twelve months' donation batta is allowed to all officers; that for a Surgeon for six months, being CR. 1095 12, for an assistant CR. 710.

10. INVESTMENT & REMITTANCE OF MONEY.—It may be well for the young officer to know that when he has any spare cash he can at any time and without trouble deposit it through the paymaster in the Government Treasury, where it will accumulate by interest without risk of bank-