Page:Meat for Thrifty Meals.djvu/43

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with an equal quantity of fat and add the liquid gradually with constant stirring over low heat. To this sauce add the potatoes, onion, and kidney. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and if desired, chopped parsley and lemon juice.

Broiled Kidneys

Select calf or lamb kidneys for broiling. Wash kidneys, remove the outer membrane, split through the center and cut out the fat, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When ready to cook, dip the kidneys in melted fat, lay the pieces in a shallow pan, and broil for 10 to 20 minutes, turning for even cooking. Sprinkle broiled kidneys with salt and pepper, and serve on toast on a hot platter. If desired, garnish with parsley and thin slices of lemon.

Braised Stuffed Heart

Select 1 beef heart, or 2 or 3 calf hearts. Wash and slit the heart, remove gristle and blood vessels. For the stuffing, chop an onion and a stalk of celery and cook in 2 tablespoons of fat, add 2 to 3 cups of soft bread crumbs, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Thyme goes well with heart–add a pinch to the stuffing.

Fill heart with the stuffing; sew up the slit. Brown the heart on all sides in fat; place it in a baking dish or casserole; add ½ cup of water, cover closely, and cook until tender in a very moderate oven (about 300° F.). A beef heart will require about 4 hours. A calf or a hog heart will cook tender in much shorter time–about 1½ hours. Make gravy of the drippings.

Beef Heart and Lung

Beef heart and lung go well together in stew, loaf, and pickle. To prepare heart and lung wash thoroughly, then remove gristle and the larger blood vessels. Simmer in water to cover. A beef heart and an equal weight of beef lung will probably require 4 to 5 hours to cook tender. If possible let the cooked meat cool in the broth.

In stew with onion gravy.–Make onion gravy as follows: Cook a finely chopped onion for a few minutes in l tablespoon fat. Then stir in 3 tablespoons flour. Add gradually 2 cups of the broth in which the heart and lung were cooked. Dilute the broth with water if the flavor is strong. To the onion gravy add 3 pints of diced cooked heart and lung and heat the mixture thoroughly. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and if desired add also several peppercorns, about ¼ teaspoon thyme, and a dash of red pepper. Serve piping hot.

In loaf or "pudding."–Cook a finely chopped onion for a few minutes in 2 tablespoons fat in a large pan. Add 5 cups ground cooked heart