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Mediation Ordinance

Ord. No. 15 of 2012
Section 3

(c) whether or not a mediator is appointed at the time the agreement is made;

An agreement to mediate could be in electronic form—see also section 5(1) of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553).

dispute (爭議) includes a difference;

mediated settlement agreement (經調解的和解協議) means an agreement by some or all of the parties to mediation settling the whole, or part, of their dispute;

mediation (調解)—see section 4;

mediation communication (調解通訊) means—

(a) anything said or done;
(b) any document prepared; or
(c) any information provided,

for the purpose of or in the course of mediation, but does not include an agreement to mediate or a mediated settlement agreement;

mediator (調解員) means an impartial individual referred to in section 4(1).

(2) A reference in this Ordinance to the parties to mediation does not include the mediator.

3. Objects of this Ordinance

The objects of this Ordinance are—

(a) to promote, encourage and facilitate the resolution of disputes by mediation; and
(b) to protect the confidential nature of mediation communications.