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Astronomical Dialogues.

Southern Temperate Zone, any more than the Torrid one.

Not that we can find by History, said I, Madam: But to proceed; These small Spaces of the Earth, between the Polar Circles and the Poles, they called the Frigid.Frigid Zones, and did pretty justly suppose them not to be habitable, upon the Account of their Coldness; for tho' we have since discovered, that 'tis possible to subsist, and several of our Ships do yearly go within the Northern Frozen Zone, yet I can't commend it to you as a Place much worth your Enquiry after.

O! don't speak any more about them, said she, you make me shiver all over with the Thought of them, and my Blood is just going to curdle in my Veins; no Lapland or Spitsburghen; no Whale-Fishing Voyages for me!

You seem to be really a cold with the Thought of it, Madam, said I; let me warm you a little with this Description of these Zones given by Mr. Dryden,


From Virgil and Ovid.

Five girdles bind the Skies: The Torrid Zone
Glows with the passing and repassing Sun;
