Page:Medicina de quadrupedibus.djvu/18

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p. 610 the Greek words are replaced by: Ic níme þe ⁊ Cet’a, followed by plura nerba;
p. 814 a paragraph (also containing Greek words) is omitted;
p. 824 six paragraphs are omitted;
p. 1018 two lines are omitted, the omission being obviously due to the fact that meneg, or a similar word, occurs both in the portion kept and in the portion left out;
p. 1215 after ȝedríȝede, owing to the omission of two lines two recipes are mixed up;
p. 2026 more than one page is omitted.[1]

20. Some passages offer readings different from those of V. I limit myself to a few striking instances:





we nemnað man nemned 210
feranne farenne ȝefarenne 415
ham to cyrrenne hale to cumende
beheald loca 612
⁊ næniȝ man
ær mid cemde
⁊ næniȝ man ær
mid cæmde
⁊ mæniȝ man ær
mid cæmde
⁊ na mare ær
mid cemde
her bufan her bufon her bufon her before 103
wanting ním þat y (u)lcan ⁊
eft ȝelice þon þe
her bufan ȝe-
cweden is ȝe-
nim þa ylcan
eft ním þa ylcan
ȝesoden ȝesodone ȝebræde 107
ȝemylted drype ȝedrupe ⁊ ȝe-
fyreȝate wude-gete 1427
onb’rȝe bruca 166


  1. See p. 2221 for a case in which, on the contrary, a few lines are erroneously omitted by V.