Page:Medicina de quadrupedibus.djvu/40

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§ 45. u stems.

Masculine nouns.

æppel follows the declension of the o stems. Cf. Glossary.

sumor occurs in the dative singular: sumera 2219.

Feminine nouns.

Singular.–D. handa 64; nose 1611.

Plural.–D. handum 1814.

§ 46. n stems.

Masculine nouns.

Singular.–N. mona 61ȝealle 1412 etc.

G. witigan 220, monan 62, lichaman 69, haran 127wif-ȝemanon 822hara 122, wudu-bucca 1418dore 1020lichamas 614lichames 224, leones 221 (also leon 223).

D. þuman 65, anwlitan 818croccen 47 (which might also be considered as feminine)–nama 212, lichama 2216gealle 1420.

A. anwlitan 615, wið-ȝemanan (for wif-ȝemanan) 820, geallan 1018geallen 1425, wið-gemanen (for wif-ȝemanen) 2211migga 1624. helpna 2220 is an obvious mistake for hwelpan.

Plural.–G. ȝomena 1414, toð-reomera (for toð-reomena) 2222gomane 1014.

A. ȝoman 1015, teþ-reaman (for toþ-reaman) 142, helan 143.

Neuter nouns.

Singular.–D. eaȝon 2022.

A. eare 105, eaȝe 2022.

Plural.–N. earan 202, eaȝene 1214.

G. eaȝena 123, earena 1422eara 1018, earane 104eaȝene 144.

A. earan 1424eaȝen 145eaȝean 229eare 1022.

Feminine nouns.